Innviet fredag 4. mars 2011

mandag 21. mai 2018


This research project consists of various modes of investigation into the city space of Fredrikstad: bodily, verbally, but mostly through the discipline of photo documentation.

The main focus for Patryk Wasilewski is to investigate the borders between private and public space of Fredrikstad´s city centre, viewing motivations that attract people into those specific sites, and the desire they feel to identify with that particular space.

The installation space is open to walk in. Miniature figures, photographs and framed markings occupy the gallery space and aim to evoke the viewer’s memory and experience of the city. The objective of this exhibition is to challenge visitors to acknowledge the complexity of their surroundings through self-reflection. The work aspires subconsciously to be created by the audience themselves, through the charting of their experience, their actions and personal reading within their walk.

Mapping the city, Wasilewski presents through his installation in this gallery space, a log of the process. Further on, he proposes an interpretive recording for understanding the landscape and territories that form the city of Fredrikstad.

Exaggerated as a research project is a conceptual suggestion, a metaphor of the territories that connect and divides people of Fredrikstad; both on a physical and ideological level. 

What does this landscape mean to us, and how do we deal with it on a daily basis?

Patryk Wasilewski
BA Scenography
Norwegian Theatre Academy

May 2018